
How Would You Cause An Endothermic Chemical Change To Begin And Keep Going


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Changes in Matter

Affiliate 2 Section 3 Physical Science

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Physical Change A change in a substance that does non modify its identity.
Chemical Change A change in which one or more substances combine or break autonomously to form new substances.
Law of Conservation of Mass The principle that the full amount of matter is neither created or destroyed during a chemic or physical alter.
Energy The ability to do work or cause change.
Temperature A measure of the boilerplate free energy of motion of particles of a substance.
Thermal Free energy The total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object.
Endothermic Modify A modify in which energy is taken in.
Exothermic Change A alter in which energy is given off.
Why is the melting of an ice cube called a physical change? When an ice cube melts, it is nonetheless water.
Why is combustion classified as a chemical alter? Combustion involves the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen to produce new substances.
Place three different kinds of physical change that could happen to a plastic spoon. bend the spoon, break it in pieces, and cook it.
Which of the following processes is not a concrete change; drying moisture clothes, cutting snowflakes out of paper, lighting a match from a matchbook? lighting a match is not a physical change.
What bear witness would y'all wait for to determine whether a chemical change has occurred? If a new substance is formed, a chemical change has occurred.
Why is the electrolysis of water classified as a chemical change but the freezing of h2o is not? in electrolysis, water is broken downwards into hydrogen and oxygen ,two unlike substances. When water freezes, it is the aforementioned substance, merely in a different course.
Explain why the mass of a rusted nail would be greater than the mass of the smash earlier it rusted. Assume that all the rust is still attached to the nail. During rusting, oxygen in the air combines with iron in the smash. The rusted smash has atoms of oxygen that the nail did non have before it ruted.
What is thermal free energy? Thermal energy is the total energy of all the particles in an object.
How can y'all tell whether one drinking glass of h2o has more thermal energy than another, identical drinking glass of water? If the temperatures are different, the glass of water with the higher temperature has the greater thermal energy.
How might you lot cause an endothermic chemical change to begin and keep going? You take to add thermal energy.


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